Friday, June 12, 2009


Today was the most exciting and memorable day of my life. I joined symbiosis institute of management studies on 10th of June. Today ,on 12th we were assigned an business exercise. Our whole batch was divided into what is called buddy team which means a group of two people who take care of each other while doing a task.

The business exercise was to go to Lakshmi road between Alka Chowk and Tulsi Bagh,search for a job and earn minimum of Rs 200.

Rules of the exercise:

  1. We were not allowed to spend money for travelling,that meant we could not use any kind of transport or vehicle.
  2. We were not allowed to tell about our institute.

3. We had to get the job by 10:30am and we were left at 9.30am.

My assigned buddy was Mayank.Our journey got a good start as we took three lifts and reached the place in a few minutes, and then we started our search. We went to all kind of shops and showrooms, but nobody was willing to give us the job. We kept on searching and tried a lot to convince them. Some were ready but they were not willing to pay us. we were really tired by then and a lot of funny things happened.For example, we entered the same shops again asking for job and the shop owners recognized us and said 'no' from the gate.We searched till 12.30pm and finally we got hired at Vishal Megamart
we worked there for 3hours. but they made it clear that they will not pay us.but still we worked there to get experience.we left from the mall at 3.30pm and again we came back by taking lifts.

i learned a lot from this exercise. I never valued money but today i learned that its very easy to spend 200 rupees in a few minutes but really difficult to earn it by hard work.One more thing i learned was about the effect of recession on market because most of the shop owners told us they do not want to hire new people because the market is down. I am going to value money from now on.
Overall it was great experience for me.
thank you.

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